- The most common adverse reactions (>7%) related to DIGIFab® administration were worsening congestive heart failure (13%), hypokalaemia (13%), and worsening atrial fibrillation (7%).1,2†
DIGIFab® Resolved Life-Threatening Digoxin Toxicity Within Hours
- DIGIFab® rapidly neutralised free digoxin to resolve the cardiotoxic effects and other clinical manifestations of known (or strongly suspected) life-threatening digoxin toxicity.1,2
DIGIFab® rapidly neutralised free digoxin to undetectable levels1,2*
In this comparative pharmacokinetic study, 16 healthy subjects were administered 1 mg intravenous digoxin followed2 hours later by 30-minute infusion of an approximately equimolar neutralising dose of DIGIFab® (n=8) or Digibind® (digoxin immune fab) (n=8). Serum free digoxin levels were analysed at predetermined time intervals (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 22, and 46 hours after DIGIFab® administration).